What to Look for in CRP Pollinator Seed
Establishing pollinator habitat offers numerous benefits to farmers and landowners. Not only does it provide a home to pollinators and other wildlife, but it protects soil and reduces runoff. To ensure successful pollinator establishment, however, you need high-quality CRP pollinator seed.
At All Native Seed, we provide CRP seed mixes with superior germination that have been tested for all pigweed including Palmer amaranth. With a variety of CRP pollinator seed to choose from, you can cater your mixes to a specific type of pollinator.
For example, mixes with milkweed provide a vital resource for monarch butterfly. When establishing pollinator habitat, it’s best to promote pollinator diversity rather than relying on one species of pollinator to carry the responsibility.
Our team of CRP professionals at All Native Seed is happy to assist in answering any questions you may have regarding seed mixes, pollinator needs, and more. With over 350,000+ acres of CRP establishment experience, we know what it takes to ensure a successful planting.
Contact us directly at 888-224-2004 or quote@allnativeseed.com. If you’re ready to purchase CRP pollinator seed now, click the buttons below to start the ordering process.
The Importance of Creating Pollinator Habitat
Pollinators serve a vital role in agriculture, spreading seed and pollinating plants. Three quarters of our major food crops rely on pollinators for pollination. It’s estimated that pollinators contribute more than $29 billion to US farm income.
Yet our major pollinators are all facing alarming population declines.
Honeybees have seen their population fall 60% or more due to a mysterious rise in Colony Collapse Disorder. Certain species of bumblebees have seen even greater losses caused by disease, pesticides, loss of habitat, and invading species.
Meanwhile, the monarch butterfly, the most prominent non-bee pollinator, could be placed on the endangered species list at any moment.
Something must be done, or we will all suffer the consequences. Experts believe that one of the best ways to counter the loss of pollinators is through the creation of pollinator habitat and the promotion of pollinator diversity.
Our CRP pollinator seed can help you accomplish this.
All Native Seed’s mixes have been tested and engineered to perform better. Additionally, all of our seed comes with the necessary tags and documentation for simple USDA reimbursement. If you’re establishing pollinator habitat, you can trust that All Native Seed will help you succeed.