When choosing the right CRP seed mix for your project, seed tags play a critical role. As a federally run initiative, the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has strict requirements and regulations. The enrollment process can be complicated, especially when it comes to documentation. Each project, down to the seed, must be accurately documented to fulfill your contract obligations and receive reimbursement.
Seed tags are crucial not just for fulfilling your requirements, but for understanding what you’re planting and determining the quality of your seed. Here, we’ll discuss the primary reasons why they’re so important and where you can find quality CRP seed mixes with accurate seed tags.
Seed tags contain key information about your seed
As a CRP participant, there are a number of requirements regarding the type of seed you use for your project. Most CRP projects require native seeds, which are species that have evolved in your geographic location. Depending on the conservation practice you’re enrolled in, you may be required to grow a specific species to meet your project goals. For example, CP-42, for pollinator habitat establishment, requires participants to grow wildflowers and other pollinator-friendly plants.
Your seed tags contain information about your mix like seed names, origin, and variety. It also includes percentages like germination rate, PLS, and dormant seeds that are needed for your CRP documentation.
But they’re not just necessary for paperwork. The information on your seed tags helps you determine when, where, and how to plant your seed for the best chance of a successful stand. If your seed tags are inaccurate, you could end up implementing the wrong establishment practices and lose out on a growing season and more importantly end up out of compliance on your CRP contract.
They prevent noxious weed growth
Additionally, you risk introducing harmful species onto your land if your seed is not properly tested and reported. Each seed tag in your CRP seed mix should include noxious weed testing and purity rates. This helps prevent unwanted species like Palmer amaranth from being introduced to your project.
Even though this highly aggressive weed is illegal in some states, Palmer amaranth can still easily spread through untested seed mixes. That’s why purchasing seeds from a trusted, experienced vendor with accurate tags is critical to a productive, weed-free stand.
Seed tags are required for CRP reimbursement
To receive proper cost-share reimbursement for your CRP project, seed tags are required. Your cost-share reimbursement is component-based, so all your project expenses are itemized into categories, including one for seed cost.
Because different types of seeds have different reimbursement rates, it’s crucial that your seed tags are correct. Otherwise, your documentation may need to be resubmitted or your payments could be delayed. Purchasing your CRP seed mix from a trustworthy provider helps ensure full, timely reimbursement.
Get high-quality CRP seed mixes with accurate seed tags
Finding the right CRP seed mix and completing the documentation for your project can be challenging. Accurate, detailed seed tags make the process much easier. When purchasing a CRP seed mix, ensure that the producer includes seed tags with full details for each type of seed. Without them, you could be denied reimbursement or risk noxious weeds invading your land.
At All Native Seed, we offer NCRS-compliant seed mixes with detailed seed tags. Our proprietary mixes have been developed over two decades to provide the highest quality seed at an economical price. We can also provide FSA/NCRS-designed mixes with seed tags for your CRP seed plan.
Plus, our sister company FDCE offers a full range of CRP services. From documentation to establishment to maintenance, we can help you build a successful stand for your CRP project. Ready to learn more? Reach out to us today!