All Native Seed

Monarch Butterflies: The Pollinator We Love

Monarch Butterflies Pollinators

Blazing orange-red wings, deep black veins, bright white polka dots – the distinctive colors of the North American monarch butterfly are instantly recognizable, as monarchs are one of the most well-known and beloved insects in the country. In schools, children study their incredible metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly. And in communities across the US, researchers,

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What Plants Do Pollinators Love?

What Plants Do Pollinators Love?

Butterflies, bees, moths, and other insects, in addition to animal pollinators like bats and birds, are essential for pollinating flowers and plants. These pollinating species transport pollen from flower to flower, encouraging fertilization and thereby producing fruits and seeds. But to reap the greatest benefit from these pollinators, you’ll want to make sure to carefully

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